Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wanted: DFW Proceedings Reviewers

We're currently starting the DFW17 and DFW18 Proceedings!  All papers submitted for consideration will be evaluated through a peer-review process to ensure that they reflect the quality of the conference.  If you'd like to be a reviewer, please Read More.  Or open our Online Application in a new window.

The Conference Proceedings provide a lasting, tangible record of presentations from past years. Additionally, a published work allows more time to reflect upon what we consider the standards of research in the community and the highlights of each year. This is no easy task. In the conference, we strive to be open to as many presentations as we can, to provide a forum for open conversations about every topic related to the current state of DFW Studies. For the Proceedings, however, we do want to limit our publication to those papers that best reflect the directions of future research. It's the role of reviewers to evaluate each submission to determine whether it should be featured as an exemplar of our work.

This is not to say we are limiting the proceedings to "only the best in the field," or that the proceedings will provide a "definitive" measure of the field. Instead, we want to ensure that all works meet basic norms for quality (proper citations, clear writing style, artistic merit), and that we are responsible in our choices to fill the necessarily limited pages of a publication.

As a conference organizer, I see the DFW Proceedings as another stepping stone for the scholars and writers who present. The proceedings should provide a higher bar than simply presenting at the conference alone, whether that means we're more selective in the works we publish or that we request additional revisions before the final printed paper. But I also understand that many of the best presentations from the conference simply won't be available for the proceedings - many presenters will be revising their works for more prestigious journals. And this is all right. Our function within the field of DFW Studies will be ever-evolving, and our reviewers will play a key role in how we present the conference moving forward.

If you would like to take part in this process, please fill out our application below, or open it in a new window.  We'll begin reviewing submissions in late September/Early October.  Our goal is to have papers selected by December 2018, followed with editing and proofreading completed by April 2019 in order to have copies available for DFW19.

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