Thursday, June 27, 2019

Livestream Schedule for DFW19

Here's the Complete Livestream Schedule for DFW19!  We'll be livestreaming our Panels to our Facebook page, and then later we'll upload HD-quality video for our archives.  (Sadly, the camcorder doesn't like the internet.)

Want more details about the panels?  Click here to read the full schedule  There you'll find abstracts and presenter bios for every panel.

Thursday: Opening of DFW19

6:00 PM: "The Broom of the Conference" - Beyond DFW19

We're looking ahead to the next five years of conferences - this was a quick pep talk before the brainstorm.

Friday: DFW Conference Keynote, Diversity Roundtable, and Research Panels

9:00 AM: "Ethics, Freedom, Infinite Jest"

Vernon Cisney — The Ethics of the Nothing in Wallace’s Infinite Jest
Ryan Kerr — Competition, Responsibility, and the Problem of Political Freedom in Infinite Jest
Andrew Langford — Fascism as a Sort of Present: the Self-Help of Jordan Peterson
Moderator: Andrew Varnon

10:30 AM: Keynote by Allard den Dulk

Sick and Wicked: A Comparative Reading of Wallace’s “The Depressed Person”, “B.I. #20” and Dostoevsky’s “Notes from Underground”

1:00 PM: Diversity Panel

Andrea Laurencell-Sheridan (Skype), Tom Winchester, Grace Chipperfield
"Queering David Foster Wallace Studies: A Diversity Roundtable"

2:00 PM: "Infinite Conference" - Beyond DFW19

Jane Carman, Ryan Edel, Allard den Dulk, Vernon Cisney
Setting up Focus Groups to expand DFW conference outreach.

3:00 PM: DFW and Society: Ethics and Representation

Genevieve Bettendorf — The “Wallace Phase”
Tom Winchester — The Cult of the Endless Kiss: Heteronormativity in Infinite Jest
Moderator: Matthew Alexander

4:00 PM: DFW’s Short Fiction: Rights and Logic

Matthew Alexander — Verbalising Violence: A #MeToo and Animal Rights Reading of David Foster Wallace
Ben Zimmerman — “Logical validity is not a guarantee of truth”: Quantificational Logic in “Good Old Neon”
Moderator: Daniel Leonard

6:30 PM: “Consider the Conference”

Ryan Edel — A Reflection on Lobsters, the Academy, and DFW16–DFW19

Saturday: Research and Creative Writing Panels

(Possible Livestream) 10:00 AM: Writing the Personal: Tennis, John Green, DFW

Andrew Varnon — The Other Side of the Net
Michael O'Connell — Spirals All the Way Down: Mental Illness in the work of David Foster Wallace and John Green
Moderator: Christopher White

11:00 AM: Reading IJ: Structure and Symbolism

Emilio Englade — Inside J.O.I.’s Head: The Dynamics of Reading Infinite Jest
Matthew Yard — Rhizomatic Polyphony and Figurants: The Contemporary American Wasteland of ‘Infinite Jest’
Moderator: Reilly Howe

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